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Ujung pangkah 2011

Minggu, 09 Oktober 2011
This is trip to Ujung Pangkah with Peksia Himbio Unair

Nice shoot picture! ^_^

This is Black headed Ibis (Threskiornis melanocephalus), in Indonesia called Ibis Cucuk Besi.
That's not easy to see it...

This is Grey Heron (Ardea cinerea), in Indonesia called Cangak Abu.
It's taller than all bird overthere...

This is Eastern Curlew (Numenius madagascarensis), in Indonesia called Gajahan Timur.
It's always together with all Curlew, when it fly, when it find a food...

This is from genus Sterna... They always fly too faster and smooth...

This is Pied Triller (Lalage nigra), in Indonesia called Kapasan Kemiri.
It has a high voice that its character voice...

Look at that! It's so many bird just like a bird small town hahaha LOL...

That was a great experience for birdwatching in Ujung Pangkah... If we can, we will go there again...
Try to visit them and just do it "Birdwatching" !

Thank you for visit us today, I hope you enjoyed of all ^_^